9 Days of Pruning

After I am done with batch 3 of FitBites order, I want to pause, reflect and ask God whether this is what He wants me to do or just my own desire. 

Currently, I have two options, diving deep on Finance and investment which something I never get interested in before or diving deep into home baked business which is pretty new for me. I'm used to cook healthy food for myself and family but extending this to other people is another challenge.

Thus, I decide to fast, pray and meditate these 9 days to gain wisdom, knowledge and counsel from God.

I always believe that we have capability to do anything but if God doesn't approve and we rely on our own strength, there's always price to pay in the end.

I rather ask God's blessing than following my own desire.

My fasting and pray started on Monday, 14 June 2021. Hopefully by the end of this 9 days, I can see what God's will for me.
