Au revoir 2020

365 days are gonna pass

2020 has given us a lot of surprises

Things may not work according to our plans

But God's grace and providence surpass all

Eventhough some people may though it's been an awful year because of covid-19, there are many good things come from this.

It's a good reminder to what are the most important things in our life.

For me, 

1. Health is our wealth

 Without good health, we are nothing. Even though we have a lot of money, it will make no use. We want to do good deeds but if we are sick, it won't happen. Our body is a temple of God and we are accountable to take care of it as our acknowledgement and gratitude for His beautiful creation

2. Family is our breath

This year we have an opportunity to travel during Chinese New Year just before the lockdown, after that we never meet face to face again. We missed our parents, food, hometown. However, as a consolation, we still have our family and relatives here in Singapore. Things that we always take for granted.

3. Time is irrevocable

Time flies very fast, if we don't manage it well, it will be gone like a snap of the finger. During the covid, we are forced to work from home. It may not comfortable in the beginning but after sometimes, we adapt to work life balance. There are times that we need to slow down to speed up. There are times that we need to pause for a while before moving forward. 

4. Friendship is our pillar

We are blessed that we have true and good friends within our community. We are able to share our joy and burden and pray for each other. We laugh and cry together with them. It's our pillar of strength in this journey of 2020.
