Spiritual Penance

Last Friday when we had private mass with out NCC group. I asked Father how to make our fasting and abstinence during this lent season more meaningful.

He told us it's NOT about abstinence or fasting FROM.... but abstinence or fasting FOR.....

When we do it out of love, for eg we fast for our enemy, for those who hurt us, for those who betray us or even the sick people, or anyone who needs our prayer, it will be more meaningful and powerful than just do out of church's obligation.

During this lent season, I'm gonna offer this fasting and abstinence for
- My future workplace
- My family builder members
- My family
- My parents
- Those who are sick
- Those who have departed before us
- Those who's been hurt
- Those sheep that have been entrusted to me
- Those who discern on their vocation
- Religious people
- Political leader
- World's economy
- My amway business
