Creating Personal Goals

Yesterday I and hubby attended regular business meeting and one of the session was CREATING PERSONAL GOALS as second part of the big topic "Welcoming 2020"

The speaker presented it in Christian way by quoting the bible verse as the basis.
As more I heard into it, it kept both of us thinking and reflecting back in what we have done in 2019 and what we want to achieve in 2020.

Why Setting Personal Goals is Important ?

1. Goal Setting is Life Responsibility

We need to be accountable in our life when God called us back someday.
As we are God's Co-creator we need to set Personal Goal, otherwise our life will be drifting here and there and will be controlled by situations and others

2. Goals are Statements of Faith

To exercise faith, we need to have a goal. Otherwise, we could practice and train our faith.
Similarly like exercise, we exercise because we want to tone our arms.
We practice our arms muscles with different weight to achieve our goals.
If we don't have exercise goals, we may not be able to push ourselves further or train our muscles

3. Goals Focus My Energy

When we set a clear goals, we will focus our time, energy, resources alined with our goals.
Otherwise, we will have distractions from the noises around us and in the end we will be back to drifting here and there again.

4. Goals Keep Me Going

As humans, there are times we feel discouraged, tired, pain, in negative thoughts. However, if we look up and see the goals we have set. We will able to gather our energy back to keep moving forward.
Rest and pause for a while is okay, but keep moving forward to finish the race line

5. Goals Build My Character

To achieve certain goals, there's no smooth sailing journey.
There will be hard times, darkest night, painful journey, rejections or even nothing happened but these build up our characters to be resilience, perseverance and patience.

6. Good Goals Will Be Rewarded

If our goals are alined with God's purpose in our life, we will able to reach there.
To achieve the ultimate goals, we need to have small goals everyday.
When we are able to achieve this small goals, we will feel victorious. And this small wins will lead big wins.
