Fitness Center

Yesterday, when I was feeling down, I spent my half an hour time at gym to cool myself down.
While I was in the treadmill, my eyes caught the reflection from mirror of a man doing resistance exercise.
Then, after that I looked around the gym and saw people from different ages, genders exercised together in the same fitness center.

They may have different exercise regimes, some are only doing cardio (treadmill, cycling), some are only doing weight training, some are combines, as for me I do circuit training.
Even though they have different way to exercise but they have common goal which is to be fit and healthy.

And it reminds me of my husband's saying in the car.

Every one of us has different experiences, encountering with God.
We can't apply what we think is good to others.
We don't know which wounds they have, their weaknesses similarly like the exercise in the fitness center.

Some may have weak heart and they can't hold weight, but doing light exercise.
Some really want to challenge themselves to be strong.

God as our personal trainer and the owner of the fitness faith center never force us.
He will watch over us and do customization/personalised exercise that suit each of us.

Who am I to impose my personalise exercise to other people

Thank you God for your gentle reminder and it helps me to keep myself humble and be patience with others who may have different approach / way.
