My God Will Supply

When I'm in Saloon, God is showing and telling me something.

After the saloon opens perhaps around 10.30am, there's first customer, a senior citizen man and I guess it takes 15-20 minutes to cut his hair.
Then around 11am, when I arrive there's another aunty before me in the queue and it takes around 20 minutes for her session. After that myself and the cutting process takes around 35 - 40 minutes since I need wash and blow.
What blow my mind is after I'm going to finish my session soon, there's another gentleman who's coming and waiting for his turn.

The hairstylist is only one, and even though from outside it doesn't look like favourite saloon but God provides the customers according to the ability of the hairstylist.
Imagine, if suddenly there are group of 2 or 3 people coming together, the hairstylist will be overwhelmed and he won't do his best and perhaps it's not good for him too when the greed take over him.

God provides the customers one by one and it's never ending flow.
The timing is perfect and the hairstylist can do his job best.

From this event, I was reminded not worry about our needs.
God knows best, He knows our ability and He will provide and supply accordingly.
