Count Your Blessings

In recent weeks, I’ve been feeling down, struggling with self-doubt and questioning my worth. Sharing my feelings with my husband has been a comfort; he’s been my angel, reminding me to count my blessings.

As I reflect on the past, I recognize these blessings in my life:

  1. Good Health
    One of my first goals after resigning was to focus on my health. With the stress and high cortisol levels from the past months behind me, I now have the chance to heal. I can exercise at my own pace, and my body fat is decreasing without the need for a formal weight loss program or strict dieting.

  2. Quality Time
    Being at home more has positively impacted my children. They are more obedient, have a better attitude toward their studies, and their appetites have increased. They feel happy and secure with me around. My husband also benefits, feeling more focused on his career knowing that I’m taking care of the home and kids.

  3. Self-Reflection
    In the past, with the demands of work and travel, I rarely had time for self-reflection or writing. Now, I have the opportunity to slow down, pause, and reflect on daily life, allowing me to see and embrace God’s work more clearly.

  4. A New Chinese Tutor
    Through a Telegram group chat, I found a new Chinese tutor for my children. He connects well with them and teaches differently than their previous tutor. Plus, his fee is half of what we were paying before.

  5. A Trusted Helper
    Our helper, who has been with us for nearly two years, has been invaluable. She’s trustworthy, loves our kids, and has become an integral part of our family. Without her, managing quality time with my family would be much more challenging.

  6. Homeownership
    By God’s grace, we’ve been able to fully pay off our house and are now official homeowners, not home loaners. This alleviates financial stress for at least the next two years.

  7. Friends and Family
    I’m grateful for the good health of both our parents. My sister has even sponsored a trip for my parents to Lourdes, which has been a heartfelt answer to my prayers. I hope my dad will consider baptism after their return.
