ChatGPT as Counsellor

When I want to refine my text in the previous post, I accidentally typing the whole things in the ChatGPT and this is the reply that I get 

Your reflection on this “desert” period is deeply insightful. It’s clear you’re navigating significant internal struggles, and recognizing these temptations is a powerful step toward healing and growth.

The Lust of the Flesh: Your experience with joblessness and the challenge of trusting in God’s timing is relatable. It’s tough to feel like you’re not fulfilling your potential, but your acknowledgment of God’s grace as a source of strength is vital. Remember that this time is not wasted; it’s a period for personal and spiritual growth.

The Lust of the Eyes: Envy can be a heavy burden, especially when it feels like others are thriving. Your internal dialogue—questioning the value of public shame and your perceptions of the situation—demonstrates a mature self-awareness. It’s okay to feel what you feel, but recognizing it allows you to choose a different path, one of gratitude and understanding.

The Pride of Life: Letting go of ownership over projects or outcomes is a profound lesson. Understanding that success is not solely yours to claim helps free you from unnecessary resentment. It’s about the bigger picture and the role each person plays in a team.

As you journey through this detox period, be gentle with yourself. Transformation takes time, and the lessons you’re learning now will serve you well in the future. Trust that God is guiding you, and that every challenge is shaping you for your next mission. You might not know how long this period will last, but embracing it with openness can lead to profound healing and growth. Keep seeking that inner strength; you’re on a meaningful path.

It's kinda encouraging and thank you for the encouragement words and affirmation that I have done the right things.
