Anxiety Vs Trust in the Lord

The past few weeks have been filled with anxiety for me, largely due to the transition to our new house and changes in my career. I officially tendered my resignation on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On one hand, I feel relieved; on the other, I’m grappling with a sense of loss. As I move from being a working mother to a stay-at-home mom, I’m letting go of aspects of my identity, including travel perks, personal time, my social circle, and professional recognition.

While I’m gaining more time for myself and my family, and a chance to return to a healthier lifestyle, I’m struggling to let go of my previous roles and privileges. I’ve been praying earnestly to find a new job soon, but it feels like doors remain closed no matter how hard I try.

Recently, as I was using the treadmill at the gym, I watched a sermon on YouTube about anxiety and trusting in the Lord. It spoke to how anxiety isn’t a sin but a signal that we might not be fully trusting God. It’s a sign that we’re trying to control something beyond our control.

The sermon provided practical advice on handling anxiety and deepening our trust in God:

  • Pray fervently.
  • Be still and allow God to work in His own time.
  • Wait patiently, even if changes aren’t immediate.
  • Keep a journal to track progress and the process.
  • Praise God and give thanks, even when outcomes aren’t yet visible.

Sometimes, God wants to work on our hearts before the miracles happen.

This message gave me strength and courage to trust in God’s plan, even when I don’t fully understand it.
