Last Saturday, I and hubby attended prayer meeting and they invited the speakers from CBN.
Both of the speakers, husband and wife were not typical motivational speaker but I could feel that they were sincere in their sharing.
I could relate well with them especially the wife since her personality type was contemplative person.
Her key sharing basically to discover our personal vocation at work.
Her personal vocation is to be a social entrepreneur helping people in third world countries. While the process of discovering her personal vocation was not smooth journey, she had the affirmation every time she faced the challenges.
I may not know the end of it because it's too big and complex for me to see the whole pictures but I trust in God that He will guide me in my daily life, with people I meet, daily experience.
And today, I read The Wisdom of Sirach Chapter 2 and it seems that God's talking to me face to face
1 My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal.
2 Be sincere of heart, be steadfast, and do not be alarmed when disaster comes
3 Cling to him and do not leave him, so that you may be honoured at the end of your days.
4 Whatever happens to you, accept it, and in the uncertainties of your humble state, be patient,
5 since gold is tested in the fire, and the chosen in the furnace of humiliation.
6 Trust him and he will uphold you, follow a straight path and hope in him.
7 You who fear the Lord, wait for his mercy; do not turn aside, for fear you fall.
8 You who fear the Lord, trust him, and you will not be robbed of your reward.
9 You who fear the Lord, hope for those good gifts of his, everlasting joy and mercy.
10 Look at the generations of old and see: whoever trusted in the Lord and was put to shame? Or whoever, steadfastly fearing him, was forsaken? Or whoever called to him and was ignored?
11 For the Lord is compassionate and merciful, he forgives sins and saves in the time of distress.
12 Woe to faint hearts and listless hands, and to the sinner who treads two paths.
13 Woe to the listless heart that has no faith, for such will have no protection.
14 Woe to you who have lost the strength to endure; what will you do at the Lord's visitation?
15 Those who fear the Lord do not disdain his words, and those who love him keep his ways.
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