
Today's reading from Luke 7 : 11 - 17 is all about Jesus compassion.
And I copy what compassion means from this book "Word of God Daily Prayer "

Jesus walked into a town and He noticed a funeral procession taking place.
Seeing the mother grieving for her dead son, Jesus was moved with compassion.

What is compassion ? A sense of pity ? A sentimental feeling ?
Compassion means to "suffer with" and to make suffering of the other as one's own.

"Compassion is not just feeling with someone, but seeking to change the situation. Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No ! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action !" (Desmond Tutu)

Jesus' compassion moved him first to stop for a moment.
His compassion then moved him to action.
He went to the widow and said, "do not cry". He then said "Young man, I tell you to get up."
To the great joy of the widow, her son got up and began to talk.
He was alive once again !

We may not be like Jesus to raise the dead people literally but we can be as compassionate as Jesus to bring people back to life again from the spiritual dead, loneliness.
People surround us need our compassion action, by small deeds we do, like smiling, it may bring life back to them.
