Day 5 - Spiritual Exercise ( 30 August 2018)

Day 5 : The Principle and Foundation

Holy desires are at the core of the first key meditation of the Exercises, the Principle and Foundation.
It reads like a mission statement for the human person : "I am created to praise, love and serve God."
Of course this vocation is specified in each unique human life. When we live out of this vocation, we are truly happy and fulfilled. When we allow disordered loves and self preoccupations to clutter our lives, we find ourselves out of balance, unhappy, and discontented.

The grace we seek is indifference. It means that we hold all of God's gifts reverently, gratefully, embracing them or letting them go, all depending on how they help us fulfil our vocation to love in everyday.

Reading : Principle and Foundation

Human beings are created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord and by this means save their souls.
The other things on the face of the earth are created for the human beings, to help them in the pursuit of the end for which they are created.
From this it follows that we ought to use these things to the extend that they help us toward our end, and free ourselves from them to the extend that they hinder us from it.

To attain this it is necessary to make ourselves indifferent to all created things, in regard to everything which is left to our free will and is not forbidden. Consequently, on our own part we ought not to seek health rather than sickness, wealth rather than poverty, honour rather than dishonour, a long life rather than a short one and so in all other matters.

Rather we ought to desire and choose only that which is more conducive to the end for which we are created.


It's very noble to have indifference heart, the capability of embrace and let it go somethings, but it's not easy in daily life.
I myself still pray for blessings that delight me than those break my heart.
I still pray for good health over poor health, material blessings over poverty but only by God's grace that I will be able to have indifference heart.
